Want to ace it on the summer camp sign-up? RDUTennis, a new camp coming to DC in June, is offering both full and half-day sessions for kids ages 5-14. Even better, they’re giving KFDC readers a discount on registration! (Advantage: You.)
RDUTennis, LLC has already established itself as a leader in tennis instruction in North Carolina, offering both youth and adult programs year-round. They’re taking it north this summer, partnering with Trinity Washington and American Universities, to bring their programs here to the nation’s capital.
Trinity Washington University camp will operate for five weeks as a full or half-day camp option in week-long sessions June 22-26, July 6-10, July 13-17, July 20-24, and August 10-14. This location will serve as a tennis camp with other sports and amenities offered as a break from the courts. Cost for the full day is $375 for non-members of the facility and $300 for members. Half-day fees are $200 for non-member of the facility and $175 for members.
American University camp will operate for two consecutive weeks, July 27-30 and August 3-6, as a half-day camp option from 9am – 1pm daily. Cost is $200 per child with a sibling discount of $175 per child.
KFDC readers can get a discount on both camps simply by mentioning KidFriendly DC — $50 off the full-day camp at Trinity Washington and $25 off the half-day camp at American. Just send an email to Brian Rosenthal at brian@rdutennis.net/dev when you register and let him know you heard about his camp here.

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